
Colorado CPE Courses for CPAs

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Essential Things You Need To Know About Colorado CPE

With manageable taxes and regulations, the presence of a steadily flourishing entrepreneurial community, a growing economic environment, and an abundance of opportunities, Colorado has become one of the most business-friendly states in the U.S.

Needless to say, with a rapidly growing number of businesses, the Centennial State offers excellent growth opportunities to competent CPAs. Now, if you want to take your knowledge, skills, and employability, the only option is to prioritize Colorado Continuing Professional Education for CPAs.

You already know that fulfilling your Colorado CPE requirements for CPA is a must to provide professional services. But do you know that in a bid to meet your CPE requirements for Colorado CPA, you get the biggest opportunity to enhance your competence level?

Even if it sounds a little surprising, lifelong learning in the form of Colorado CPE is the only option that has the potential to help you stand out from thousands of CPAs in the state.

When it comes to Colorado CPA CPE requirements, they’re quite different from many other states. And that’s why you must prioritize understanding them before anything else. It’ll also help you come up with an effective plan to meet your CPE Colorado requirements efficiently.

To help you avoid spending days reading many different posts and articles to gather all the details of Colorado CPE, we’ve created this page that shares every important thing related to Colorado CPE requirements for CPA.

This page is intended to help you have all the vital information at your fingertips, from details of Colorado rules and regulations for CPE to the best ways to select the right Colorado CPA CPE courses, and more.

Let’s get started!


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Colorado CPE: The Basic Guidelines

Here’re the fundamental things you need to keep in mind to meet your Colorado CPA CPE requirements 2023 efficiently.

  • The expiration date of all CPA certificates is 30th November of odd-numbered years.
  • Colorado state board of accountancy has a biennial CPE reporting period. Your CPE reporting period will be from 1st January of an even-numbered year to 31st December of an odd-numbered year.
  • You need to obtain 80 CPE credits each two-year reporting period.
  • For each full quarter, during which your license is in active status, you’ve to obtain 10 CPE credits. This applies to initial certificate holders as well.
  • Colorado state board doesn’t have any specific requirements related to subject areas.

Whether you want to meet your requirements by joining the Colorado Society of CPAs CPE programs or taking Colorado CPE courses from a reputable sponsor, keep these guidelines in mind when planning your CPE.

Colorado CPE Requirements for CPA: Guidelines Related To Ethics

Similar to all other states and jurisdictions, the Colorado state board has established guidelines related to ethics. However, the specific rules are slightly different from many other state accountancy boards. Let’s take a look.

  • In Colorado, every active CPA must obtain four CPE credits in ethics every two-year reporting period.
  • Among these four credits, you may earn a maximum of two credits in CR&R (Colorado Rules & Regulations).
  • The CR&R courses you take must be in compliance with the CR&R content outline and their content must cover current Board Rules and Colorado Revised Statutes.
  • It’s important to remember that if you obtain more than two credits in CR&R, the additional ones won’t be counted toward your ethics or CR&R CPE. Instead, they’ll be counted in the category of “Specialized Knowledge and Applications” as outlined in the NASBA Fields of Study.
  • Colorado state board can deny a CR&R if it sees that the course isn’t in compliance with the requirements.
  • While you’re allowed to take the CR&R course from a sponsor of your choice, it’s completely your responsibility to ensure that it meets the requirements defined by the board.

CPE Requirements for Colorado CPA: Other Important Guidelines

While you’re free to take many different types of courses to meet your Colorado CPE requirements for CPA, there are a few guidelines you need to remember when doing so.

  • In personal development, you cannot earn more than 20% of your required Colorado CPE credits. Some of the subjects related to this field of study include time management, career planning, and leadership.
  • You’re not allowed to use any combination of publishing a book or article and teaching to earn more than 50% of your total CPE credits.
  • If you choose Internet-based programs that use polling questions as a monitoring mechanism, you must answer at least 75% of them to obtain CPE credits.
  • If you carry out learning activities that aren’t intended to help you enhance and/or maintain your professional competence, you won’t receive any credits. For instance, you won’t get any credits for teaching basic accounting skills such as the principles of accounting that are taught in the first and second semesters.
  • Study sessions aren’t accepted as a means to pursue CPE in Colorado.
  • Colorado state board doesn’t pre-approve CPE sponsors or Colorado CPA CPE courses. Therefore, both you and your CPE sponsor must comply with the CPE standards jointly established by NASBA/AICPA.

Colorado CPE Requirements: Guidelines for Non-Resident License Holders and License Holders Who Don’t Practice Public Accounting

As long as you’re an active Colorado CPA, you must comply with these guidelines. Failure to do this may lead to disciplinary action.

  • If you don’t provide professional services but are an active Colorado CPA, you’ve to adhere to all the policies, rules, and laws of the Colorado state board and these include meeting Colorado CPE requirements for CPA.
  • If your Colorado CPA license is in active status but you don’t live in the state or the country, you still have to comply with all the rules, policies, and laws of the state board, including the ones associated with Colorado CPE.

CPE Colorado: Guidelines for Submission of Proof of Completed CPE

Whether you fulfill your CPE requirements for Colorado CPA by taking self-study Colorado CPA CPE courses or attending live webinars, keep these guidelines in mind before submitting your certificates of completion and/or proof of attendance to the board.

  • You aren’t required to send certificates of completion/proof of attendance to the board unless you receive specific requests from it to do so. In case the board selects you for an audit, it’ll send you specific instructions and forms to submit your proof of completed CPE. You’ll get a maximum period of 30 days to submit your documentation.
  • You don’t need to submit any documents at the time of renewing your license. The board will ask you to attest compliance with your Colorado CPE requirements at this time.
  • During the reactivation or reinstatement of your license, you may have to submit proof of your completed CPE to the board. It may ask you to do so if your license has been expired or inactive for six years or more.
  • It’s very important to remember that the board won’t return any of the records submitted by you. Therefore, be sure to keep copies of all your CPE documents. However, you can always submit copies of your certificates of completion and other necessary documents.

Colorado Rules and Regulations CPE: Things to Remember When Claiming CPE Credits for Teaching

As mentioned above, teaching basic accounting principles won’t help you earn Colorado CPE credits. But if the activities are in compliance with the CPE Standards, help improve or maintain your professional competence, and fulfill the definition of teaching outlined by the Colorado state board, you can claim CPE for them.

However, to obtain CPE credits for teaching, you need to submit the following documentation to the board.

  • Documentation containing the name of your sponsor/provider and its contact information, which confirms your performance as a discussion leader or your role as a teacher.
  • Proof of the total number of hours you taught in the classroom.
  • Documentation that proves that the activity has undergone significant revisions or was completely new. In the case of significant revisions, you need to mention the date on which the material was first taught.
  • The outline or syllabus of the course/activity.
  • A brief statement that describes that the activity was in compliance with the CPE Standards and helped you meet your Colorado CPE requirements for CPA.
  • The field of study of the course/activity.
  • A statement, signed by you, that mentions the way the activity helped you enhance and/or maintain your professional competence.
  • Your resume that proves your eligibility as the teacher of the subject matter.

Pieces of Information Have To Be Present On the Certificates of Completion of Colorado CPA CPE Courses

All your certificates of completion have to be generated by your CPE sponsor. If you want to attend live webinars to pursue Colorado CPE, your proof of attendance must come from the sponsor. In any case, the document needs to contain these pieces of information:

  • Name of CPE program provider and its contact information
  • Program’s title
  • Name of the participant
  • Date of completion of the program or the date on which it was offered
  • Field of study of the program
  • Program’s location (if applicable)
  • Mode of delivery/instruction of the program
  • Number of Colorado CPE credits you earned by completing the program
  • Verification by the sponsor of the CPE program (a seal, signature, etc.)

Colorado CPA CPE Requirements 2023: Guidelines for the Use of CPE Credits to Meet Other Requirements

You may be able to use your CPE credits, which you’ve earned in your bid to fulfill your Colorado CPE requirements, to fulfill the requirements of other states, agencies, or organizations. However, to be able to do so, the coursework must be in compliance with the CPE Standards.

If you have CPA licenses in multiple states, the same CPE may be used to meet Colorado CPE requirements for CPA and the requirements of the other state board. However, it’s only possible if the coursework adheres to the CPE Standards. It’s also important to note that it’s completely your responsibility to ascertain the acceptability of the activities, which you want to use to claim CPE, as per the NASBA/AICPA Standards and the Board Rules.

You should also remember that there’s no guarantee that the Colorado state board will accept the CPE that you’ve earned to meet the requirements of other states, organizations, or agencies. Similarly, there’s no guarantee that your Colorado CPE will be accepted by other state boards of accountancy.

Pursuing CPE in Colorado: Choosing the Right Courses

Choosing the right Colorado CPA CPE courses plays an immensely crucial role in helping you experience a smooth CPE journey. Once you’ve found the right sponsor to meet your Colorado CPE requirements for CPA efficiently, the second most important thing is to decide on the courses that’ll help accelerate your professional growth.

Here’re a couple of tips that can greatly help you identify the right CPE courses.

  • Join top forums for CPAs

Joining a couple of top online CPA forums is one of the most effective methods to stay on top of the latest advancements in the accounting industry. Once you become aware of the latest trends and happenings in the industry, you can decide on the courses to get the most out of your Colorado CPE.

  • Talk to a mentor

Your mentor should be well aware of the professional goals you want to achieve down the line. Therefore, talking to them should help you identify the courses that’ll help you achieve them conveniently.

If you don’t have a mentor, you can always try to talk to a senior in your organization to get valuable insights into the future moves of the company. If they align with your goals and preferences, you can try to master those areas when fulfilling your CPE requirements for Colorado CPA.

Pursuing Colorado CPE with CPEThink.com

At CPEThink.com, we’re committed to helping CPAs pursue Colorado CPE efficiently and in an affordable manner. From a steadily growing collection of quality CPE courses and the best CPE subscriptions to the unique 100-day, 100% money-back policy, and more, we have everything to help you meet your Colorado CPE requirements for CPA conveniently.

If you want to get more information about how our team of experts can help you in fulfilling your CPE requirements for Colorado CPA, feel free to talk to us.




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