The administrative rules in the Uniform Guidance for federal grants cover a lot of ground. Let Sefton Boyars and Bill Allen guide you through these requirements for managing grants from the grantee, the grantor, and the auditor perspective. Sefton and Bill will provide you with hard-earned insights into the trickier, unexpected clauses that could hang you up.
This course covers the latest administrative rules published in the OMB Uniform Guidance Admin Rules in Title 2: Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations (also known as: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards)
The administrative rules in the Uniform Guidance for federal grants cover a lot of ground. Let Sefton Boyars and Bill Allen guide you through these requirements for managing grants from the grantee, the grantor, and the auditor perspective. Sefton and Bill will provide you with hard-earned insights into the trickier, unexpected clauses that could hang you up.
This course covers the latest administrative rules published in the OMB Uniform Guidance Admin Rules in Title 2: Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations (also known as: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards)
Author : | Andrew Clark, EA |
Course Length : | Pages: 49 ||| Word Count: 26,949 ||| Review Questions: 12 ||| Final Exam Questions: 20 |
CPE Credits : | 4.0 |
IRS Credits : | 0 |
Price : | $35.95 |
Passing Score : | 70% |
Course Type: | NASBA QAS - Text - NASBA Registry |
Technical Designation: | Technical |
Primary Subject-Field Of Study: | Auditing (Governmental) - Auditing (Governmental) for Course Id 2374 |
Description : | Auditing and assurance services are important services provided by CPAs. Auditing and Other Assurance Services is a course that will describe auditing and assurance services. This course will identify the different types of audits and the different types of assurance services. This course will define the importance of ethics in the CPA and auditing professions. This course will describe the different organizations that create and enforce ethical guidelines. Finally, this course will describe the importance of independence for auditors. |
Usage Rank : | 50000 |
Release : | 2024 |
Version : | 1.0 |
Prerequisites : | None. |
Experience Level : | Overview |
Additional Contents : | Complete, no additional material needed. |
Additional Links : |
Government Auditing Standards
Advance Preparation : | None. |
Delivery Method : | QAS Self Study |
Intended Participants : | Anyone needing Continuing Professional Education (CPE). |
Revision Date : | 25-Sep-2024 |
NASBA Course Declaration : | Participants must complete the final examination within one year of purchase and with a minimum passing grade of 70% or better to receive CPE credit unless otherwise noted on the Course History page (i.e. California Ethics must score 90% or better). After logging in click on the Course History links on your My Courses page for the Begin date and Expire date for the Final Exam. |
Approved Audience : | NASBA QAS - Text - NASBA Registry - 2374 |
Keywords : | Auditing (Governmental), Performing, Audit, Engagements, Assurance, Services, Yellow, Book, Series, cpe, cpa, online course |
Learning Objectives : |
Course Learning Objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to:
Course Contents : | Chapter 1 - Auditing - Performing Audit Engagements and Assurance Services Course Learning Objectives Definition of Auditing The Differences Between Auditing and Accounting Auditing Services are Needed What are Financial Restatements? Additional Reasons to Conduct an Audit Global Operations Providers Have Biases and Motives Growing Amounts of Information and Data Exchange Transactions Have Become Complex Financial Statements that are Audited Definition of Assurance Services Audit of Historical Financial Statements Audit of Internal Control over Financial Reporting Review of Historical Financial Statements Attestation Services on Information Technology Other Attestation Services Non-assurance Services Audit Types Operation Audit Compliance Audit Financial Statement Audit What is the Yellow Book? When and Where to Apply Yellow Book Auditor Types IRS Agents Internal Auditors CPA Review Questions Part 1 Ethical Behavior for CPAs and Auditors American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Independence Standards Board Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Auditing Standards U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards What are GAAS Standards? General standards Standards for field work Reporting standards SAS Standards Ethics Defined Ethical Principles What Causes Unethical Behavior? Differing Ethical Standards Ethical Dilemmas Help with Ethical Dilemmas The consequentialist framework The duty framework The virtue framework Professional Ethics Government Accountability Office (GAO) Purpose When and Where to Apply Yellow Book GAO Ethics, Independence, and Professional Judgment Ethical Principles The Public Interest Integrity Objectivity Proper Use of Government Information, Resources, and Positions Professional Behavior Overview of Sarbanes Oxley Act Auditor Restrictions: Audit Committee: Officers and Directors: Disclosure Requirements: Increased Criminal Penalties and Fines: Principles of Professional Conduct Independence General Standards Integrity and Objectivity Confidential Client Information Contingent Fees, Commissions, and Referral Fees Section 102 - Integrity and Objectivity Section 201 - General Standards Interpretations under Rule 201 —General Standard. Section 203 - Accounting Principles Interpretations under Rule 203 203-1—Departures from established accounting principles. 203-2—Status of FASB, GASB and FASAB interpretations. 203-4—Responsibility of employees for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP. Section 301 - Confidential Client Information .01 Rule 301—Confidential client information. Interpretations Under Rule 301 .04 301-3—Confidential information and the purchase, sale, or merger of a practice. Section 302 - Contingent Fees .01 Rule 302—Contingent fees. Interpretation under Rule 302 .02 302-1—Contingent fees in tax matters. Section 501 - Acts Discreditable .01 Rule 501—Acts discreditable. .02 501-1—Response to requests by clients and former clients for records. .03 501-2—Discrimination and harassment in employment practices. .04 501-3—Failure to follow standards and/or procedures or other requirements in governmental audits. .05 501-4—Negligence in the preparation of financial statements or records. .06 501-5—Failure to follow requirements of governmental bodies, commissions, or other regulatory agencies. .07 501-6—Solicitation or disclosure of CPA examination questions and answers. .08 501-7—Failure to file tax return or pay tax liability. .09 501-8—Failure to Follow Requirements of Governmental Bodies, Commissions, or Other Regulatory Agencies on Indemnification and Limitation of Liability Provisions in Connection With Audit and Other Attest Services. Section 100-1 Conceptual Framework for AICPA Independence Standards Introduction GAO Yellowbook Independence Independence Changes Independence Compared to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct Prohibited bookkeeping services Independence Guidance for Government Audit Organizations Review Questions Part 2 Glossary |