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We are an AICPA/NASBA QAS Self-Study provider and are accepted in all 50 US States, US Territories, US military areas, and Canada
Your state board of accountancy has the final say in all matters related to CPE, but a good overview of all states is on NASBA’s website at
You can check your state requirements at
NASBA does not approve courses, rather, they approve providers as "sponsors", and the sponsors are responsible for making sure the courses satisfy the AICPA/NASBA Guidelines on Self-Study.
We have been a NASBA sponsor for over a decade and are a NASBA QAS Self-Study sponsor, the highest designation a sponsor can have.
If your state requires QAS courses only, you are good with us, as 99% or more of our courses are QAS Self-Study.
The rest are Self-Study and usually state board approved Ethics that still may be acceptable but are not QAS due to the state board requiring components to the course that keep it from satisfying all of the QAS Self-Study guidelines.
Each course is designated as Technical or Non-Technical and you can get a list of all technical courses on our site at
You can also refer to which states...
Technical learning activities contribute to the professional competence of a CPA in fields of study that directly relate to the profession of accounting and to the CPA’s field of business. These fields of study include, but are not limited to, the following:
Non-technical learning activities contribute to the professional competence of a CPA in fields of study that indirectly relate to the CPA’s field of business. These fields of study are those that do not meet the definition of technical fields of study and include, but are not limited to, the following:
As long as the course you took shows IRS credits and your PTIN has been entered into your account setup on our site, we will upload credits on the first of each month for the preceding month for Q1, Q2, and Q3.
For Q4 we will upload each Monday for the preceding week.
Not at this time.
Each state board has its own procedure, and most do not allow providers to upload their client’s CPE credits.
NASBA does have the CPE Audit Service and CPE Tracker. This service allows CPAs to upload their credits, which NASBA then uploads to the appropriate state board.
We offer the download of all your credits completed on our site plus any that you enter from other providers in a .csv file that can be uploaded to NASBA's service.
To learn more about the NASBA services and how our site will create a .csv file for you, please watch the short video at
If you’re not logged in - Go to, click the “Click here” link next to Forgot Password and follow the prompts.
If you are logged in – My Cpethink > My Password and follow the prompts.
If you are logged in – My Cpethink > My Account and follow the prompts.
Yes, you can see all of our new courses at
Yes, you can see all of our updated courses at
We follow NASBA Standard No. 4. which states that courses must be updated as soon as feasible due to content changes. And courses in areas with frequent changes must be reviewed or updated yearly, while other courses must be reviewed or updated at least every two years.
You can see all of our subscriptions at
We offer 1 and 2-year unlimited subscriptions and 4 different 1-year subscriptions, limited the number of credits.
All subscriptions include all courses on the site, including Ethics, as well as unlimited final exam attempts and certificate prints.
We compare very well and thanks for checking that.
We have more detailed comparisons with other CPE Sponsors below.
We are working on a table to show a side-by-side comparison and should have that on the site soon.
Happy to chat about any questions you have, please let us know!
Make sure…
We feel we offer the best CPE value online, including a large selection of Ethics CPE courses at competitive rates, hundreds of courses, including all Ethics courses with all subscriptions, and always unlimited final exam attempts.
You can find cheaper CPE, but you can’t find everything we offer for less.
Open a chat and check for daily, weekly, and all the time discounts and specials.
Open a support ticket by clicking the chat icon in the lower right of any page, open a chat, or ask us in an Email, and we’ll find what we currently have available.
You bet, go to for a list of our Weekly Specials. Make sure to check back each week as they change every Sunday for the upcoming week.
For any other questions on discounts, open a support ticket by clicking the chat icon in the lower right of any page, open a chat, or ask us in an Email, and we’ll find what we currently have available.
Yes we do. Go to for more information on our Group CPE offers.
Or you are welcome to open a support ticket by clicking the chat icon in the lower right of any page.
100 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee on All Purchases
You can see our full refund policy at
All course approval numbers, approval codes, course codes, provider numbers, codes, etc., are at the bottom of the certificate of completion for the course in question.
Provider numbers and codes are also on the bottom of our home page, and some are also in the footer of any page.
Our system will save your place in online courses and save any answers or changes to answers in a final exam immediately.
So you can start and stop a course or exam as many times and whenever you wish.
You can download all text-based courses.
You can also download the video for video-based courses.
And the PDF for video-based courses contains a link to watch or download the video from the PDF.
On your My Courses page click one of the PDF icons in the Take Course column to download a course.
You can download all final exams.
However, you must take final exams online so we can automatically grade them and generate your certificate of completion.
Many people download the final exam, mark their answers, and then take the final exam online using their printed and marked final exam copy.
On your My Courses page click one of the PDF icons in the Take Exam column to download a final exam.
You can take the final exam as many times as you need until you pass it.
You have unlimited final exam attempts on all courses and final exams.
Just click the same icon you did to start the exam, and the system opens the final exam with all your answers as they were when you were last in the exam.
After you did not pass a final exam, click the same icon you did to start the exam before, and a new instance of that exam will open.
We think we should be able to provide this, however…
Per the AICPA/NASBA guidelines, we are not allowed to show exam results until after the exam has been completed.
After the exam has been completed, we are only allowed to show whether an answer is correct or incorrect, not the specific answers that were correct or incorrect.
Just to let you know, if other providers offer exam answers, they are not following the AICPA/NASBA guidelines, and their courses may not be accepted by your Board of Accountancy.
Click the chat icon in the lower right corner of any page and open a chat or send us an Email.
During normal business hours of Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm Mountain time (9am-7pm ET, 8am-6pm CT, 6am-4pm PT) we try to answer chats immediately, Email within 5 minutes, and always reply within 30 minutes, but it may take a little longer depending on what time of day, current support traffic and day of the week.
+1 888-273-0273
Service (at) cpethink (dot) com
Sorry for the weird format, but it reduces spam for us.
You can see all our FREE CPE courses at
We feel we offer the best CPE value online, including a large selection of Ethics CPE courses at competitive rates, hundreds of courses, including all Ethics courses with all subscriptions, and always unlimited final exam attempts.
You can find cheaper CPE, but you can’t find everything we offer for less.
Open a chat and check for daily, weekly, and all the time discounts and specials.
Just click one of the Take Course icons and page through the course until you get to page 5 or 6.
Videos usually start on one of those pages, and once there, just click the video play icon to start the video.
There is also a link in the PDF version of the course to watch the video in your browser; just click that link, and the video will play in your browser from Vimeo.
If you are not able to access the video, let us know, and we’ll make it available to open in your browser or as a download.
Just go to My Transactions under your My Cpethink menu in the upper right, and there will be a Print Receipt link for each receipt.
New Jersey requires their Ethics to be taken live or as a presentation by a New Jersey CPA that has been approved by the New Jersey Board of Accountancy (BoA).
Appears they are trying to restrict it to just local New Jersey companies.
We are looking for a New Jersey CPA for that but have yet to find one who is willing to develop and deliver a course.
All of our courses are online and in PDF format for printing or downloading as you would like.
The final exams are only available online so that they can be instantly and automatically graded, and your Certificate of Completion can be generated immediately after completing the final exam.
Many of our courses also have a video format as well or are just video.
They are all accessible on desktop PCs, notebooks, tablets, pads, and smartphones as long as you have an Internet connection.
Acronyms and their meaning on our site.
AICPA = American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
BOA = Board of Accountancy or Board of Accounting
CBA = California Board of Accountancy
CDFA = Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
CE = Continuing Education
CIA = Certified Internal Auditor
CPA = Certified Public Accountant
CPD = Continuing Professional Development
CPE = Continuing Professional Education
CMA = Certified Management Accountant
EA = Enrolled Agent – typically associated with the IRS
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
IFDA = Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts
IIA = Institute of Internal Auditors
IRS = Internal Revenue Service
NASBA = National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
TSBPA = Texas State Board of Public Accountancy
All course approval numbers, approval codes, course codes, provider numbers, and codes, etc., are on the bottom of the certificate of completion for the course in question.
Provider numbers and codes are also on the bottom of our home page, and some are also in the footer of any page.
The California Board of Accountancy (CBA) requires us to require you to complete all the review questions in the online version of the course before we are allowed to present the final exam to you.
You just have to answer them, you do not have to get any correct.
The CBA just wants you to go through the course; this is how they require us to do it on our site.
After you answer all the review questions, the take exam icons will display on your My Courses page that you can click and take the final exam.
You can take the final exam as many times as you need until you pass it.
You have unlimited final exam attempts on all courses and final exams.
90%, and that is set by the California Board of Accountancy (CBA).
Courses on our site will qualify for CMA continuing education as long as the topics are related to management accounting.
Please review for information from the Institute of Management Accountants.
To be sure, please check with the IMA for the course or courses you are thinking about.
Yes, you can see the IFDA approved courses we offer by going to Courses > Divorce | CDFA | IDFA or
You can see our approved courses on the IFDA website at
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the chat icon in the lower right of any page.
Absolutely, you will find all of our not for profit courses at
Yes, the West Virginia Board of Accountancy will accept Ethics CPE Courses based on the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct as long as they are from a NASBA sponsor which we are.
You can find them at
We personally spoke with the CPE Coordinator who accepts or rejects CPE credits submitted by CPAs and confirmed this on October 28, 2024.
Do you offer Certified Internal Auditor and Institute of Internal Auditors accepted CPE courses?
According to The Institute of Internal Auditors Annual Certification Renewal Policy, Requirements for Certification Programs, Section 2. Annual Renewal Requirements...
The IIA requires certified individuals to self-attest annually that they have met the CPE requirements outlined in this document. Annual renewal requirements vary depending on whether the certified individual is practicing (actively performing internal audit or related activities), nonpracticing (not actively performing internal audit or related activities), or retired (no longer in the workforce).
See the full document here
See our Auditing Courses here
As long as the course improves your professional work or results our courses should satisfy the requirements. If we get specific feedback from we will update this text.
Do you offer California Tax Education Council (CTEC) accepted CPE courses?
At the moment we do not offer CTEC CPE or CE courses but are working to become a CTEC sponsor and be able to offer CE courses accepted by CTEC.
Please open a support ticket to check on the status of our efforts to offer these courses.
Do you offer North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) accepted CPE courses?
At the moment we do not offer NASAA CPE or CE courses but are working to become a NASAA sponsor and be able to offer CE courses accepted by NASAA.
Please open a support ticket to check on the status of our efforts to offer these courses.
We were not able to get our LA Ethics course approved in time this year and missed the deadline. We should have one next year.
Please open a support ticket to check on the status of our efforts to offer these courses.
Check out what other customers are saying.