
Pennsylvania CPE Courses for CPAs

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Your Ultimate Guide to Pennsylvania CPE

CPAs are considered among the most esteemed professionals across the globe. However, the accounting industry undergoes changes on a regular basis. To maintain your expertise, competency, and professionalism it’s a must to keep your Pennsylvania continuing education up-to-date.

And you can only achieve this by pursuing CPE diligently. While CPE is a mandatory requirement for all active CPAs, it can also help improve your earning potential.

On this page, we’re going to discuss all the vital things related to Pennsylvania CPE including how to become a CPA in Pennsylvania. You already know that CPE is defined on a state level. Therefore, if you want to pursue Pennsylvania CPE efficiently, you first need to develop a clear comprehension of Pennsylvania CPA CPE requirements.

With that in mind, let’s delve deeper into Pennsylvania's (PA) CPA license renewal CPE requirements.


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Pennsylvania CPE: General Guidelines

Here’re the general Pennsylvania CPE requirements for CPAs.

  • Pennsylvania has a biennial license renewal period. And your license renewal period ends on 31st December in odd-numbered years.
  • The CPE reporting period is also biennial in Pennsylvania. This runs from January 1 through December 31 on odd-numbered years.
  • You’re required to obtain at least 80 CPE credits every two-year period.
  • The minimum annual credit requirement is 20 credits.
  • To meet your Pennsylvania license CPE requirements, you’re required to obtain at least four credits in ethics every two-year renewal period.
  • If you’re engaged in attest activities, you must obtain 24 credits in accounting and auditing subjects.

Pennsylvania CPA CPE Requirements: Other Guidelines

When you choose a CPE provider to fulfill your Pennsylvania accounting CPE requirements, make sure that it belongs to one of these groups.

  • A sponsor that’s listed on NASBA’s National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
  • A sponsor that has got approval from the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy.
  • A university or college that has received accreditation from a nationally-recognized accrediting agency.
  • A state’s accountancy regulatory body that allows the practice of public accounting while following substantial equivalency’s principles. You can check this page to obtain more information about substantial equivalency.

Pennsylvania CPE Requirements: Credit Limitations

You can choose different methods to pursue Pennsylvania CPE. However, you need to remember some guidelines related to credit limitations if you choose these methods.

  • Self-study programs

If you take self-study courses to meet your Pennsylvania CPA CPE requirements, you can earn a maximum of 40 credits. Remember that if the programs are non-interactive, you’ll only receive fifty percent of the total credits.

  • Published materials

If you publish relevant articles or books, you’ll earn a maximum of 20 credits based on your self-declaration. For all kinds of publications, the maximum combined limit is 40 credits.

  • Self-study programs and published materials

The maximum number of credits you can earn by combing self-study programs and published materials is 40 credits.

  • Instruction of materials

If you serve as an instructor to fulfill your Pennsylvania CPE requirements, you can obtain a maximum of 40 CPE credits. For repeat instructions, you’ll only receive credits when the material has altered significantly. Note that instruction in entry-level accounting courses won’t help you get any credits.

Pennsylvania CPE Requirements CPA: Credit Calculation

Here’re the ways to calculate credits when pursuing Pennsylvania CPE.

  • Partial credits

You can obtain credits in quarter-hour increments after earning your first full credit.

  • Instruction

You’ll obtain three credits for each 50-minute presentation and a maximum of two credits for preparation time.

  • College/university programs

For completing one quarter credit hour, you’ll receive 10 CPE credits. And for finishing one semester hour, you’ll get 15 CPE credits. If you take non-credit courses, you’ll receive one CPE credit for every 50-minute session of in-class participation.

Expert Tips to Meet Your Pennsylvania License CPE Requirements Efficiently

Now that we’ve discussed all the vital things about Pennsylvania CPE requirements for CPAs, let’s discuss how you can pursue Pennsylvania CPE most efficiently. After all, pursuing CPE requires a great deal of money, time, and effort.

As long as you hold an active CPA license, you must continue pursuing CPE to maintain this status. Here, our experts have jotted down some invaluable tips to help you fulfill your Pennsylvania license CPE requirements efficiently.

  • Start planning early

For many CPAs, perhaps the hardest part of CPE is staying on track. Many of them fail to meet their requirements due to the absence of a proper plan. Therefore, if you want to meet your Pennsylvania accounting CPE requirements in a hassle-free manner, you must come up with a proper plan.

And remember that only having a plan isn’t enough, you need to execute it properly. There are many CPAs who do have a plan but fail to follow through. As a result, they don’t get to experience a smooth process.

It’s also important to mention that you shouldn’t have a very right itinerary. Ideally, it should have some flexibility to deal with unforeseen events. If your plan isn’t flexible, maintaining a balance between your study and professional life may become extremely difficult.

You should also have an overall idea of the total cost of pursuing Pennsylvania CPE. If you want to make it in a cost-effective manner, search for a provider that offers quality yet affordable programs. Some sponsors, including CPEThink.com, have subscription packages. Choosing one of them should help you meet your Pennsylvania CPA CPE requirements conveniently.

  • Plan as per your requirements

Pursuing Pennsylvania CPE brings you a wonderful opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in many different fields. Therefore, you can plan your CPE depending on your goals and preferences.

For instance, if you want to run your own public accounting firm down the road, you can focus on building your skills in organization management and HR in addition to sharpening your knowledge in the mandatory subjects.

On the contrary, if you wish to join the senior team of your company one day, you can try to master the areas that your organization focuses on.

By having a clear idea of these things at the beginning of your CPE journey, you’ll be able to avoid wasting time, money, and effort. With a clear roadmap, it’ll become easy for you to stay on the right track.

  • Choose learning methods as per your learning style

This is another extremely important thing to remember when meeting your Pennsylvania CPE requirements. You can choose different methods to meet them. From in-person classes to self-study courses, live webinars, and more, there’s no shortage of methods.

However, it’s important to choose a method as per your learning style. If you want to enjoy the utmost flexibility and don’t need the presence of a live instructor to internalize the subjects, self-study programs will perhaps be the right fit for you. This will also be a more cost-effective method than in-person programs and live webinars.

On the other hand, if you learn better in a classroom setting, you may consider joining in-person programs. You’ll be able to stick to your study plan efficiently. Just keep in mind that if you need to travel to and from a distant location to attend an in-person program, it’ll increase your CPE cost quickly.

Live webinars are probably the second-most popular method after self-study programs to fulfill your Pennsylvania CPE requirements for CPAs. You get to participate in the webinars from the comfort of your home or office. You only need to answer a few polling questions to prove your active participation and remain present for a certain period of time to obtain your credits.

Unlike self-study programs, there’ll be no final exam passing which is a must to get credits. You’ll also be able to interact with the live instructor and have your questions answered immediately.

You may also want to attend conferences if you want to obtain a large number of credits at once. Moreover, you’ll get the opportunity to interact with fellow attendees face-to-face and build your professional network. However, conferences are usually the expensive option to obtain CPE credits.

As you can see, choosing the right method entirely depends on your learning style. If you don’t know how you’ll learn better, it’s advisable to try a couple of methods to finalize the right one.

  • Follow industry leaders

Since the accounting industry is an ever-changing one, following leaders in the industry will help you get a clear understanding of its present and upcoming trends, as well as changes. Once you have the idea, you can plan your CPE to future-proof your career.

Joining the Right Sponsor to Fulfill Your Pennsylvania Accounting CPE Requirements

Depending on the CPE provider you choose, your CPE plan may be a successful one or it may get jeopardized. In this section, we’ve gathered some effective tips that you may consider when searching for sponsors to pursue Pennsylvania CPE.

  • Providers that have reasonable pricing

There are CPE sponsors that have programs and activities requiring thousands of dollars, while there are providers that offer affordable programs. While this ultimately depends on your personal budget, you should join a sponsor that maintains a balance between quality and cost.

However, you should never finalize a sponsor on the basis of cost alone. For example, sponsors that have expensive programs don’t necessarily need to be the best ones in the market.

When you’re facing a dilemma about joining a sponsor, you should check reviews from its past customers. Doing so will help you obtain a clear idea of whether or not the provider offers quality programs at affordable costs.

  • Providers that have an extensive collection of courses

If you want to stay up-to-date in a constantly-changing industry, you must constantly update your knowledge and skills. And for that, you need to join a provider that has a large collection of quality courses on many different topics.

As mentioned above, you can master a broad range of topics when meeting your Pennsylvania CPA CPE requirements. If you join a provider that has a continuously growing course library, you can meet all your learning needs by taking its courses. You won’t have to face the hassle of searching for and finalizing multiple sponsors.

  • Providers that have extensive experience in the industry

This is not to say that a new entrant in the field of CPE sponsors cannot offer quality courses. However, it’s always advisable to join a provider that has years of experience in the industry. This is because doing business for many years acts as proof of the quality and credibility of a sponsor.

Such a provider should also have garnered a strong reputation. Again, you can check the user ratings and reviews of your shortlisted providers to make an informed decision.

  • Providers that offer top-notch customer support

As long as technology is concerned, issues can arise in many different forms. You may face issues with the platform, have problems accessing your course materials, or face difficulties downloading your certificates of completion.

Regardless of the nature of the issues you face, help should be available just a click away. Also, you should be able to reach the customer support team using multiple communication channels such as phone, email, and chat.

You can check the efficacy of the customer support teams of your shortlisted providers through some simple methods. For instance, you may as whether they offer courses covering some specific topics. Or, you may ask if they have some particular programs that’ll help you meet your Pennsylvania CPE requirements.

If you see that the team answers all your queries promptly and provides you with informative answers, you shouldn’t hesitate to join that particular sponsor. However, if you see that the team of a particular sponsor isn’t much interested in answering your questions, you should avoid joining it.

Pursuing Pennsylvania CPE with CPEThink.com

We hope that this page has provided you with all the essential pieces of information related to Pennsylvania CPE together with some effective tips to help you fulfill your Pennsylvania CPA CPE requirements efficiently.

For nearly two decades, we’ve been helping CPAs meet their CPE requirements conveniently and affordably. By choosing us as your Pennsylvania CPE sponsor, you’ll also be covered by our 100-day, 100% refund policy.

If you feel confident enough to start meeting your Pennsylvania CPE requirements, start browsing our courses. If you have more queries, don’t hesitate to give us a call.




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