
Technical CPE Courses for CPAs

The Last Self-Study CPE Website You Will Ever Need
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Meet Your Requirements with Technical CPE Courses

Maintaining the right to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) requires all agents to continue their education and strengthen their technical accounting skills. Because your title as CPA is esteemed audits are often performed in order to ensure you are on track with licensing requirements including being up to date with technical CPE courses.



What are the Technical CPE Courses?

Technical CPE courses versus non-technical CPE courses varies by state and is listed under NASBA list of course categories. Typically, technical CPE refers to courses directly related to the accounting field including the following

  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Taxation
  • Consulting
  • Financial Planning
  • Professional Conduct
  • Computer and information technology (except for word processing)
  • Specialized industry or government practices with a focus on the maintenance and enhancement of the public accounting skills including the curriculum needed to competently practice public accounting.

All licenses renewals and activations require technical CPE courses and we provide them all.

To clarify, here is a list of NON-TECHNICAL CPE courses (though they are often still a part of your requirements, they are not listed as technical CPE).

  • Production
  • Human Resources
  • Communications & Marketing
  • Behavioral Ethics

Our technical and non-technical CPE courses are approved under the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and NASBA.

Self-Study CPE Courses

Part of CPEThink’s mission is to help you stay ahead. We are incentivized by your success. The most effective way we ensure it is by offering you self-study technical CPE courses. This format guarantees unlimited access to the credits you need at the most competitive price.

Technical CPE Courses from Cpethink.com

CPE self-study helps you maintain and stay up-to-date with your credit and CPA licensing requirements. It also serves as a way to make sure you’re always on top of your education so that you are capable and ready to offer your services with a competitive edge.

We provide the Continuing Professional Education that every CPA and IRS Enrolled Agent needs to satisfy their required technical education credits with their state board of accountancy or licensing agency and with the Internal Revenue Service.

Explore the finance and online technical accounting courses that you need to fulfill your requirements with the all-inclusive accounting CPE courses for CPA’s CPEthink.com provides all the tools and resources you need to stay ahead.

Being Successful in Your Technical CPE Courses

We help you make the most out of your educational experience. Here’s how to get started

  • Purchase the exact individual course you need for your current enrollment cycle.
  • Download your online technical CPE course onto any device.
  • Download or print resources.
  • Get instant online grading and feedback.
  • Go at your own pace to complete courses within 1 year.
  • Print your certificate immediately upon passing your exam, or access your certificate anytime from your CPEthink.com account.

We now offer technical CPE video courses!

  • Diversify your learning material
  • Improve accessibility to your continuing education
  • Ideal for the auditory learner
  • Convenient and can be watched anywhere, anytime
  • Unlimited access to your CPE video courses
  • Rewind and replay for improved memory of the material
  • No more boring manuals
  • No more confusing guidebooks
  • No more text-heavy handouts

Combining decades of field expertise and modern technology, our qualified video technical CPE courses will prove to be the only online resource you’ll need in your CPA career without the boring graphs and cold classrooms.

Is CPEthink Right For You?

If you are interested in:

  • An easy-access portal to end-to-end online technical accounting courses and resources
  • Self-paced study and certification completion
  • 100 days risk-free
  • The most efficient and effective way to grow your career
  • Highest-rated online CPE courses

... then this is the place for you.

We are here to empower and educate CPA professionals just like you to stay ahead on your requirements, advanced in your education, and risk-free in your investment. Join us!




Technical CPE Courses are needed or required by most state boards of accountancy, accounting boards or CPA licensing agencies. We have hundreds of technical CPE video and text based courses on Cpethink.com and are available 24/7/365.

Please check what other customer are saying through our many reviews by verified customer that have purchased CPE courses from us at https://www.cpethink.com/cpe-reviews.

Valid reviews are only allowed by customers that have purchased and completed a course on our site.


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